
FOE: Compare Ancient Graveyard vs
Forge Of Empires special buildings

Current Time (NZ)
Tue February 25, 2025 8:35 am
FOE Home Fair Trades Information

calculators:Area Search Forge Points Special Bldgs Compare 
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Road: YES
Land: Image of land area 5x3

image of special building
( ALL)

Road: YES
Land: Image of land area 3x3

image of special building

  image of happinessimage of happiness/image of land area
Bronze_Age 790 52.67
Iron_Age 960 64.00
Early_Middle_Ages 1320 88.00
High_Middle_Ages 1470 98.00
Late_Middle_Ages 1640 109.33
Colonial_Age 1930 128.67
Industrial_Age 2180 145.33
Progressive_Era 2390 159.33
Modern_Era 2560 170.67
Postmodern_Era 2670 178.00
Contemporary_Era 3100 206.67
Tomorrow_Era 3760 250.67
Future_Era 4510 300.67

image of happiness - Increase happiness
image of happy/image of land area - Happiness per square

  image of happinessimage of happiness/image of land area
Bronze_Age 420 46.67
Iron_Age 520 57.78
Early_Middle_Ages 710 78.89
High_Middle_Ages 800 88.89
Late_Middle_Ages 890 98.89
Colonial_Age 1050 116.67
Industrial_Age 1150 127.78
Progressive_Era 1290 143.33
Modern_Era 1390 154.44
Postmodern_Era 1450 161.11
Contemporary_Era 1690 187.78
Tomorrow_Era 2050 227.78
Future_Era 2450 272.22

image of happiness - Increase happiness
image of happy/image of land area - Happiness per square


Image for forum