
Forge of Empires: acronyms and abreviations

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Sun February 23, 2025 3:48 pm
FOE Home Fair Trades Information

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Great Buildings:

COA: Cathedral of Aachen
CDM: Castel Del Monte
HS: Hagia Sophia
LOA: Lighthouse of Alexandria
ND: Notre Dame
OOD: Oracle of Delphi
RAH: Royal albert Hall
SBC: St. Basils Cathedral
SMB: St. Marks Basilica
TOB: Tower of Babel
Traz: Alcatraz
Zeus: Statue of Zeus

BA: Bronze Age
IA: Iron Age
EMA: Early Middle Age
HMA: High Middle Age
LMA: Late Middle Age
COL: Colonial Age
IND: Industrial Age
PE: Progressive Age
ME: Modern Era
PME: Post Modern Era
CE: Contemporary Era
TE: Tomorrow
FE: Future


Cmap: Continental map
FP: Forge Points. You gain 1 FP every hour in the game up to a maximum of 10. They are a form of currency you can use to purchase things or research items in the game.
You can also gain FP 'packs' which you can store for later.
GB: Great Builings
GBG: Guild Battle Grounds
GE: Guild Expedition
GVG: Guild vs Guild
MUD: In the mud / sticks - (wet dirt). Usually when a person builds a Great building (level 0), it is called 'in the mud'. You use FP / forge points from neighbours/friends/guild mates to get it to level 1, & out of the mud.
PvP: Player vs Player
RSS: Resources
SOK: Shrine of Knowledge
WW: Wishing Well.

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