
FOE: Compare Bazaar vs
Forge Of Empires special buildings

Current Time (NZ)
Fri March 7, 2025 1:30 am
FOE Home Fair Trades Information

calculators:Area Search Forge Points Special Bldgs Compare 
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( ALL)

Road: YES
Land: Image of land area 5x4

image of special building
( ALL )

Road: YES
Land: Image of land area 3x3

image of special building

  image of populationimage of coinsimage of powerimage of Medalsimage of Goodsimage of Forge points
Bronze_Age 9030401352
Iron_Age 180701001452
Early_Middle_Ages 2601201702552
High_Middle_Ages 3401702302652
Late_Middle_Ages 4102203103752
Colonial_Age 4902804703952
Industrial_Age 56034059041252
Progressive_Era 63040071061752
Modern_Era 71047088082452
Postmodern_Era 7705301110103352
Contemporary_Era 8306001450124852
Tomorrow_Era 9006701680146452
Future_Era 10107401920167952

image of nett population - Change to nett population
image of coins - Coin production in 0:15:00
image of guild power - Increase in guild power in 1:00:00
image of medals - Medals in 4:00:00
image of goods - Goods in 8:00:00
image of forge points - Forge points in 1 day

  image of happinessimage of happiness/image of land area
Bronze_Age 240 26.67
Iron_Age 330 36.67
Early_Middle_Ages 360 40.00
High_Middle_Ages 430 47.78
Late_Middle_Ages 480 53.33
Colonial_Age 570 63.33
Industrial_Age 640 71.11
Progressive_Era 720 80.00
Modern_Era 770 85.56
Postmodern_Era 810 90.00
Contemporary_Era 940 104.44
Future_Era 1360 151.11

image of happiness - Increase happiness
image of happy/image of land area - Happiness per square


Image for forum